7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table: A Comprehensive Guide
Updated: Jan 4

A pay commission has been established by the Indian government to examine and suggest potential and desirable adjustments to the central government employees' pay scale. Stakeholders voice their desires for the necessary pay structure adjustment throughout each commission session. The commission thereafter determines what modifications must be made. During the meeting, the Indian government-appointed pay commission reviews and discusses the pay structure change using a pay matrix. Through this matrix, workers may view their current salary and projected career growth. The seventh pay matrix, which is currently in use, is used to determine each employee's pay level under the central government. Since the introduction of the 7th Pay matrix, employees of the central government have received a 23.35% hike in their base pay and benefits. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the 7th Pay Matrix.
Table of content
7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix
The seventh central pay commission (CPC) matrix was created by combining the grade pay with the sixth CPC running pay bands and multiplying the result by a fitment factor that ranges from 2.56 to 2.72 in a single table. Each row's basic pay matrix is multiplied by the fitment character in an equal manner. When discussing the 7th CPC pay matrix, the new fitment factor will be multiplied by the employees' present base pay. A salary increase of about 2.67 times for employees and pensioners would be the fit factor for the seventh pay matrix.
What is the 7th Pay Matrix table?
The 7th Pay Commission of India created the 7 Pay matrix table in 2016, which shows the pay structure according to the pay levels in a logical chart. The 7 Pay matrix table was presented as a straightforward chart following a thorough discussion of the 7th Pay Commission and the stakeholders to increase wage structure transparency and provide entry-level employees with the same pay level. Among the demands taken into consideration in the scope of the 7th pay commission pay matrix are the standard compensation for entry-level employees, a clear pay structure, and the standard treatment of identical cadres. Over 30 lakh central government employees come under the coverage of the seventh pay matrix table, which is a number table with 760 entries. There are 40 rows and 19 columns in the table. The vertical range indicates "pay progression" within that level, while the horizontal range is assigned numbers 1 through 18 that correspond to the functional role in the hierarchy. Within each level, the vertical range also shows a yearly progression of 3.00%. The minimum wage according to the 15th ILC standards or the Aykroyd formula is indicated at the beginning of the table.
Features and Benefits of the 7th Pay Matrix
Here is a list of the benefits and features of the seventh pay matrix:
One important factor in reducing the disparities between different pay bands was the 7th pay commission.
The improved pay has been made simpler with this pay matrix fixing, eliminating the need for additional computation.
It facilitates the blending of grade pay and pay bands into a composite level.
The 7th CPC pay matrix has fixed the differential entry pay issues.
It assists in preventing issues with yearly advancement, regular promotions, service duration, etc.
The PB-3 and PB-4 problems were addressed with the 7th pay commission pay matrix.
In contrast to the current system, it is more transparent.
This pay matrix addresses the issues with pay progression and seems to be a useful instrument for implementing changes in financial management.
It aids in giving an accurate and transparent picture of the Indian government's pay structure.
It simplified the administrative procedure.
An entry-level government employee must make at least Rs. 18,000 per year. In contrast, the highest salary for government personnel is Rs. 2.25 lakhs per month for Cabinet Secretaries and Apex Scale, and Rs. 2.5 lakhs for those at lower levels.
The position of a government employee is determined by their level in the seventh pay matrix, not by their grade pay.
Employees hospitalised for any illness are eligible for full pay and an allowance under the 7th pay commission pay matrix.
MSP is paid to Indian military personnel who are not covered by the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS). The existing gratuity of Rs. 10 lakh should be increased to Rs. 20 lakh, according to the 7th Pay Commission's recommendation.
For central government employees, a health insurance program has been announced. Furthermore, retirees outside the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) territory can receive cashless medical benefits.
Fitment Factor in the 7th Pay Commission
The fitment factor is a multiplication factor that is used to determine the revised compensation for Central Government employees in India under the 7th Pay Commission. In essence, it establishes the total pay rise for workers moving from the sixth CPC pay structure to the seventh CPC pay matrix. This is how it operates:
Simplified Calculation: A single fitment factor of 2.57 was included in the 7th CPC. As per the 6th CPC system, this component is included in an employee's current basic pay, which is the total of their grade pay and pay scale.
Revised Pay Determination: The new basic pay under the 7th CPC structure is calculated by multiplying the current basic pay by 2.57. The employee's total compensation has increased significantly as a result.
Minimum Pay and Pension as per the 7th Pay Commission
The minimum salary for all Central Government employees as per the 7th Pay Commission is Rs. 18,000 per month. The suggestions to increase the minimum wage have been adopted by the cabinet. Employees of the Central Government saw a notable increase in compensation. The minimum pension will rise in tandem with the significant increase in the minimum wage scale for Central Government employees. The Central Pay Commission claims that the minimum wage for employees has gone up from Rs. 7000 to Rs. 18,000 per month. This led to a 2.57-fold rise in the pension amount. As a result, the minimum pension for central government employees went from Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 9,000.
7th Pay Matrix Table for the Central Government Employees
LEVEL 1 TO 5 (GRADE PAY 1800-2800) | |||||
PB-1 (5200-20200) | |||||
GP | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
16 | 28000 | 31100 | 34000 | 39800 | 45400 |
17 | 28800 | 32000 | 35000 | 41000 | 46800 |
18 | 29700 | 33000 | 36100 | 42200 | 48200 |
19 | 30600 | 34000 | 37200 | 43500 | 49600 |
20 | 31500 | 35000 | 38300 | 44800 | 51100 |
21 | 32400 | 36100 | 39400 | 46100 | 52600 |
22 | 33400 | 37200 | 40600 | 47500 | 54200 |
23 | 34400 | 38300 | 41800 | 48900 | 55800 |
24 | 35400 | 39400 | 43100 | 50400 | 57500 |
25 | 36500 | 40600 | 44400 | 51900 | 59200 |
26 | 37600 | 41800 | 45700 | 53500 | 61000 |
27 | 38700 | 43100 | 47100 | 55100 | 62800 |
28 | 39900 | 44400 | 48500 | 56800 | 64700 |
29 | 41100 | 45700 | 50000 | 58500 | 66600 |
30 | 42300 | 47100 | 51500 | 60300 | 68600 |
31 | 43600 | 48500 | 53000 | 62100 | 70700 |
32 | 44900 | 50000 | 54600 | 64000 | 72800 |
33 | 46200 | 51500 | 56200 | 65900 | 75000 |
34 | 47600 | 53000 | 57900 | 67900 | 77300 |
35 | 49000 | 54600 | 59600 | 69900 | 79600 |
36 | 50500 | 56200 | 61400 | 72000 | 82000 |
37 | 52000 | 57900 | 63200 | 74200 | 84500 |
38 | 53600 | 59600 | 65100 | 76400 | 87000 |
39 | 55200 | 61400 | 67100 | 78700 | 89600 |
40 | 56900 | 63200 | 69100 | 81100 | 92300 |
LEVEL 6 TO 9 (GRADE PAY 4200- 5400) | |||||
PB-2 (9300-34800) | |||||
GP | 4200 | 4600 | 4800 | 5400 | |
Level | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
1 | 35400 | 44900 | 47600 | 53100 | |
2 | 36500 | 46200 | 49000 | 54700 | |
3 | 37600 | 47600 | 50500 | 56300 | |
4 | 38700 | 49000 | 52000 | 58000 | |
5 | 39900 | 50500 | 53600 | 59700 | |
6 | 41100 | 52000 | 55200 | 61500 | |
7 | 42300 | 53600 | 56900 | 63300 | |
8 | 43600 | 55200 | 58600 | 65200 | |
9 | 44900 | 56900 | 60400 | 67200 | |
10 | 46200 | 58600 | 62200 | 69200 | |
11 | 47600 | 60400 | 64100 | 71300 | |
12 | 49000 | 62200 | 66000 | 73400 | |
13 | 50500 | 64100 | 68000 | 75600 | |
14 | 52000 | 66000 | 70000 | 77900 | |
15 | 53600 | 68000 | 72100 | 80200 | |
16 | 55200 | 70000 | 74300 | 82600 | |
17 | 56900 | 72100 | 76500 | 85100 | |
18 | 58600 | 74300 | 78800 | 87700 | |
19 | 60400 | 76500 | 81200 | 90300 | |
20 | 62200 | 78800 | 83600 | 93000 | |
21 | 64100 | 81200 | 86100 | 95800 | |
22 | 66000 | 83600 | 88700 | 98700 | |
23 | 68000 | 86100 | 91400 | 101700 | |
24 | 70000 | 88700 | 94100 | 104800 | |
25 | 72100 | 91400 | 96900 | 107900 | |
26 | 74300 | 94100 | 99800 | 111100 | |
27 | 76500 | 96900 | 102800 | 114400 | |
28 | 78800 | 99800 | 105900 | 117800 | |
29 | 81200 | 102800 | 109100 | 121300 | |
30 | 83600 | 105900 | 112400 | 124900 | |
31 | 86100 | 109100 | 115800 | 128600 | |
32 | 88700 | 112400 | 119300 | 132500 | |
33 | 91400 | 115800 | 122900 | 136500 | |
34 | 94100 | 119300 | 126600 | 140600 | |
35 | 96900 | 122900 | 130400 | 144800 | |
36 | 99800 | 126600 | 134300 | 149100 | |
37 | 102800 | 130400 | 138300 | 153600 | |
38 | 105900 | 134300 | 142400 | 158200 | |
39 | 109100 | 138300 | 146700 | 162900 | |
40 | 112400 | 142400 | 151100 | 151100 |
LEVEL 10 TO 12 (GRADE PAY 5400-7600) | |||
PB-3 (15600-39100) | |||
GP | 5400 | 6600 | 7600 |
Level | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1 | 56100 | 67700 | 78800 |
2 | 57800 | 69700 | 81200 |
3 | 59500 | 71800 | 83600 |
4 | 61300 | 74000 | 86100 |
5 | 63100 | 76200 | 88700 |
6 | 65000 | 78500 | 91400 |
7 | 67000 | 80900 | 94100 |
8 | 69000 | 83300 | 96900 |
9 | 71100 | 85800 | 99800 |
10 | 73200 | 88400 | 102800 |
11 | 75400 | 91100 | 105900 |
12 | 77700 | 93800 | 109100 |
13 | 80000 | 96600 | 112400 |
14 | 82400 | 99500 | 115800 |
15 | 84900 | 102500 | 119300 |
16 | 87400 | 105600 | 122900 |
17 | 90000 | 108800 | 126600 |
18 | 92700 | 112100 | 130400 |
19 | 95500 | 115500 | 134300 |
20 | 98400 | 119000 | 138300 |
21 | 101400 | 122600 | 142400 |
22 | 104400 | 126300 | 146700 |
23 | 107500 | 130100 | 151100 |
24 | 110700 | 134000 | 155600 |
25 | 114000 | 138000 | 160300 |
26 | 117400 | 142100 | 165100 |
27 | 120900 | 146400 | 170100 |
28 | 124500 | 150800 | 175200 |
29 | 128200 | 155300 | 180500 |
30 | 132000 | 160000 | 185900 |
31 | 136000 | 164800 | 191500 |
32 | 140100 | 169700 | 197200 |
33 | 144300 | 174800 | 203100 |
34 | 148600 | 180000 | 209200 |
35 | 153100 | 185400 | - |
36 | 157700 | 191000 | - |
37 | 162400 | 196700 | - |
38 | 167300 | 202600 | - |
39 | 172300 | 208700 | - |
40 | 177500 | - | - |
LEVEL 13 TO 14 (GP 8700-10000) | |||
37400-67000 | |||
GP | 8700 | 8900 | 10000 |
Level | 13 | 13A | 14 |
1 | 123100 | 131100 | 144200 |
2 | 126800 | 135000 | 148500 |
3 | 130600 | 139100 | 153000 |
4 | 134500 | 143300 | 157600 |
5 | 138500 | 147600 | 162300 |
6 | 142700 | 152000 | 167200 |
7 | 147000 | 156600 | 172200 |
8 | 151400 | 161300 | 177400 |
9 | 155900 | 166100 | 182700 |
10 | 160600 | 171100 | 188200 |
11 | 165400 | 176200 | 193800 |
12 | 170400 | 181500 | 199600 |
13 | 175500 | 186900 | 205600 |
14 | 180800 | 192500 | 211800 |
15 | 186200 | 198300 | 218200 |
16 | 191800 | 204200 | - |
17 | 197600 | 210300 | |
18 | 203500 | 216600 | - |
19 | 209600 | - | - |
20 | 215900 | - | - |
PB | 67000-79000 | 75500-80000 | 80000 | 90000 |
Level | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
1 | 182200 | 205400 | 225000 | 250000 |
2 | 187700 | 211600 | - | - |
3 | 193300 | 217900 | - | - |
4 | 199100 | 224400 | - | - |
5 | 205100 | - | - | - |
6 | 211300 | - | - | - |
7 | 217600 | - | - | - |
8 | 224100 | - | - | - |
Highlights of the 7th Pay Commission: An Overview
The starting minimum wage will be ₹18,000. The maximum salary that is advised will be set at ₹2,25,000.
Top posts, including cabinet secretary and similar roles: The starting salary is ₹2,50,000.
The current Grade Pay and Pay Band systems will be replaced with the new Pay Matrix system.
To create the new pay scales, a consistent factor of 2.57 will be applied to each employee's current salary.
As with the 6th Pay Commission, the annual increment rate will stay at 3%.
Allowances | Advances | Medical Facilities |
52 allowances abolished Allowances related to Risk and Hardship to be separately governed Revised Siachen Allowance per month is as follows:
| Non-Interest-bearing advances withdrawn Personal Computer Advance and House Building Advance retained The ceiling for House Building Advance increased to ₹25,00,000 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme | Health Insurance Scheme for Central Govt Employees Hospitals empanelled for people covered under CGHS to extend medical facilities to pensioners residing outside CGHS areas Postal pensioners to be covered |
Pay Scale for the Central Government Employees
Structure | Amount |
Pay scale | Rs.29,900 to Rs.1,04,400 monthly |
Grade Pay | Rs.5,400 to Rs.16,200 monthly |
Pay Scale for Defence Personnel
The 7th Pay Commission's recommendations state that the pay scale for defence personnel will be determined by the rank, branch, designation, and area of posting of the officer. The detailed pay structure is displayed in the table below:
Structure | Amount |
Minimum grade pay | Rs.5,400 |
Pay band | Rs.15,600 |
Military service pay | Rs.6,000 |
Kit maintenance | Rs.500 |
Allowance | Eligibility | Amount |
Hard areas allowance | People posted in hard areas | 25% of the overall basic pay/Rs.6,750 monthly |
High altitude climate allowance | Officers posted in high altitude | Rs.11,200 - Rs.14,000 monthly |
Kit maintenance allowance | All officers | Rs.400 monthly |
House Rent Allowance | Officers who do not avail government accommodation | 10 - 30% of the basic pay |
Transport Allowance | All officers | For A1 cities and towns: Rs.3,200 Other cities and towns: Rs.1,600 |
Siachen Allowance | Officers posted in Siachen borders | Rs.11,200 - Rs.14,000 monthly |
Special forces allowance | Officers in special forces | Rs.9,000 monthly |
High Active Field Area Allowance | Officers working in high-active field area | Rs.6,780 - Rs.4,200 monthly |
Modified field area allowance | Officers posted in modified field areas | Rs.1,600 monthly |
Dearness Allowance | 80% of Gross pay | |
Flying Allowance | Officers in flying branch |
Technical Allowance | Officers in the technical branch | Rs.2,500 |
To achieve equity, the pensions of civil and defence personnel, including CAPF, have been revised.
It is also advised to use the updated pension calculation method.
A disability pension is calculated using a slab-based system.
The rate of compensation to relatives in the event of a death while on duty must be revised.
It has been suggested that the NPS be revised in order to create a redressal procedure.
The maximum gratuity is now ₹20 lakhs.
The maximum gratuity will increase by 25% if the Dearness Allowance increases by 50%.
New Updates
A 6% hike in the dearness allowance for the Maharashtra State Road Transport employees.
Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) was granted by the Maharashtra government.
Central government workers will henceforth be assigned to wards in private hospitals under the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in accordance with the seventh pay matrix.
As the fitment factor rises to 2.57 in the seventh pay matrix, government employees' salaries would likewise rise.
According to the 7th pay commission pay matrix, a 4% rise in the dearness allowance is planned for Haryana state government employees.
Dearness allowances (DA) and Dearness relief (DR) for government employees in Jammu and Kashmir were increased by 4.00%, from 34% to 38%, under the 7th CPC pay matrix.
The Tamil Nadu government has raised the bonus and Dearness Allowance (DA) for temple employees who work there permanently by 4.00%. Employees at temples under the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department are subject to the DA hike.
Tamil Nadu raises government employees' DA under the 7th Pay Commission. For public employees, such as teachers, family pensioners, and retirees, the Dearness Allowance (DA) was increased from 34% to 38%.
All government employee pay levels are displayed in one comprehensive yet easy-to-understand table in the 7th Pay Matrix. The 7th Pay Commission introduced the 7th Pay Matrix, a new method of allocating compensation to central government workers in India. As a Central Government employee, knowing about this table will give you a complete view of your pay and help you plan your finances in the long run.
Q1. What is the new 7th Pay Scale?
A new pay scale for central government workers is called the 7th Pay Matrix. With a minimum wage of Rs. 18,000 per month, it streamlines pay scales and benefits. For both employees and pensioners, the fitment factor is 2.57.
Q2. What are the key features of the 7th pay matrix?
The new pay matrix incorporates a number of factors, including increased Modified Assured Career Progression frequency, pay structure transparency, grade-based pay structure rationalisation, and many more.
Q3. Who determines the pay structure of the central government employees?
The compensation structure is determined by the 7th pay commission and the stakeholders.
Q4. What is the basic pay in the 7th CPC pay matrix?
Pay Level 1's pay scale structure ranges from Rs 18,000 to Rs 56,900. Pay Level 2's pay scale structure ranges from Rs 19,900 to Rs 63,200. Pay Level 3's pay scale structure ranges from Rs 21,700 to Rs 69,100.
Q5. How do I know my pay matrix level?
You can find your pay level in the pay matrix table's horizontal range and determine your grade pay level in the vertical range.
Q6. How many levels does the 7th pay matrix table has?
The seventh pay matrix table includes 19 distinct pay levels.
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