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Form 16, 16A, and 16B: Understanding the Differences

Writer: Indrajeet SharmaIndrajeet Sharma

Form 16, 16A, and 16B: Understanding the Differences

Form 16 part A and Form 16A, or Form 16 part B and Form 16B, are frequently mistaken as the same by people. These variants, however, are entirely distinct. One of the most crucial tax paperwork for companies and salaried workers alike is Form 16. Part A and Part B are its two parts. Forms 16A, 16B, and 16C are certifications of tax deducted on certain defined non-salary transactions; they are not the same document. Let's examine this in the guide below.


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What is Form 16?

Form 16 is an essential document issued in compliance with the guidelines of the Income Tax Act of 1961/ This acknowledgement certificate details the income you received from a certain employer over the previous financial year, together with any taxes withheld. Therefore, it fulfils the function of both an income certificate and a TDS certificate that are given by their employer to salaried workers. Here are a few things you should know about Form 16.

  • According to the Income Tax Act, your employer must collect TDS from your salary and deposit it with the government if your income from your salary for the financial year exceeds the basic exemption limit of Rs 2,50,000. 

  • Your employer will take into account your complete income for TDS deduction if you have additionally revealed to them your income from other sources. 

  • Your employer may not give you this form and may not deduct any TDS if your income is less than the basic exemption amount.

  • You will have multiple Form 16s if you worked for multiple employers in a given year. 

  • Form 16 is one of the crucial documents needed to file your ITR.

  • Form 26AS just contains the TDS data of Form 16.

Components of Form 16

Form 16 is divided into two sections: 

  • Part A provides information about the employer's tax deducted at source (TDS) on employee salaries.

  • Part B breaks down employee salaries by fiscal year.

What is Form 16A?

An additional TDS Certificate is Form 16A. Form 16A is applicable for TDS on "Income Other than Salary," whilst Form 16 is only for pay income. For instance, you will receive a Form 16A if a bank deducts TDS from your rent receipts, insurance commission, or interest income from fixed deposits. In actuality, every additional income you get that has TDS subtracted from it is subject to this kind of deduction. With Form 16, though, this is not the case. The only Form 26AS details that are accessible are those pertaining to TDS withheld by the employer. Both forms are necessary and crucial to ensure a seamless filing process for your return. Additionally, you can confirm the income information and the rates and amount of TDS that have been deducted.

Components of Form 16A

Form 16A contains information such as: 

  • Name of the employer, PAN, and TAN

  • Name of the employee, PAN, and TAN 

  • Payment information 

  • TDS payment reference 

  • The tax amount deposited and the date of deposit 

Form 26AS also contains these facts. 

What is Form 16B?

When someone purchases an immovable property for more than 50 lakh rupees, TDS under section 194IA must be withheld. Form 16B is a certificate showing the tax deducted on the purchase of property. In this scenario, the buyer must deduct the seller's TDS and file form 26QB. Following the 26QB submission, form 16B is generated, serving as a TDS certificate that shows the buyer and seller's basic information as well as the consideration and amount of TDS deduction. 

After registering as a taxpayer on TRACES, the buyer of real estate can download Form 16B with ease. It would be necessary for the property's buyer to give the seller Form 16B regarding the TDS that was withheld and lodged with the government. Users can register using their "PAN"

  • A taxpayer accesses TRACES.

  • Select the Downloads tab.

  • Choose Form 16B.

  • Enter the information and press "Go."

Differences Between Form 16, Form 16A, and Form 16B

Differences Between Form 16, Form 16A, and Form 16B


Forms 16, 16A, and 16B, which address various aspects of income and financial transactions, each have separate but important functions in income tax compliance. A thorough grasp of these forms is crucial as taxpayers navigate the complexities of tax regulations. People can use these forms for recording property transactions, non-salary income, and salary income to make sure their income tax filings are correct, transparent, and compliant with regulations.


Q1. When does a deductor issue Form 16?

Form 16 is given to an employee by an employer who withholds tax, or TDS, from their pay.

Q2. For what period is Form 16 issued?

An employer issues Form 16 annually for one financial year.

Q3. For what period is Form 16A issued?

Every quarter, a Form 16A is sent out. The 15th of the month that follows the deadline for the quarterly TDS return is the deadline for submission.

Q4. When is Form 16B issued?

The amount deducted at source during the sale of a property is validated by Form 16B. The buyer deposits this sum with the income tax division. The sum that the buyer contributes is subtracted from the money that the seller receives. It is the payer's responsibility to take out the tax and give the government the appropriate amount. The deductor has to provide a TDS certificate to the deductee (Form 16B). 

Q5. How can I benefit from Form 16 and Form 16A?

To file your income tax return, compute your tax, and make payments, you can use the income and TDS data on Forms 16 and 16A.

Q6. How do I check whether Form 16A issued to me is valid?

By visiting your income tax site, you can verify your Form 26AS and see if the amount shown in Form 16A is being reflected. Furthermore, Form 16A ought to be produced via the TRACES portal, displaying the TRACES logo as a watermark.

Q7. Is it mandatory to have Form 16 and Form 16A to file my ITR?

Obtaining a Form 16 from your company is crucial since it provides information about your pay, deductions, and exemptions. Form 26AS, on the other hand, will be available in your income tax portal and will contain combined details of Form 16 part A and Form 16A. For example, you can use Form 26AS, which will have consolidated data of all the TDS done in the financial year, to claim the TDS rather than referring to each and every Form 16A. 

Q8. How can I get my Form 16A/16B?

You can ask the organisation or individual that withheld your TDS for your form 16A. such as banks, financial organisations, contractors, real estate purchasers, etc.

Q9. Which amount should I consider when filing my ITR, Form 16/16A/16B?

While filing an ITR, all forms are necessary; however, an assessee will rarely have all forms on file. All this paperwork, however, is nothing more than TDS and income certificates, which show the taxes that were withheld on their behalf by the other party. All of these forms must be considered by taxpayers when filing their ITR.

Q10. What is the significance of Form 16B in property transactions?

Form 16B is a TDS certificate issued by the buyer of property to the seller. It serves as proof of the TDS deducted on the sale of immovable property and is essential for the seller to claim credit for TDS while filing their tax returns.

Q11. Can Form 16A be used by freelancers and professionals for tax compliance?

Yes, Form 16A is relevant for freelancers and professionals who receive income subject to TDS, such as commission, professional fees, or interest income from sources other than salary. It helps them reconcile their income and tax deductions while filing their tax returns.

Q12. What should individuals do if they haven't received Form 16 or Form 16A?

Individuals who haven't received Form 16 from their employer or Form 16A from other deductors should promptly follow up with them. If not received in time, they should obtain the necessary details of income and tax deductions from alternative sources, such as bank statements or payment receipts, to ensure accurate tax filing.

Q13. What is the difference between Form 16 and Form 16A in terms of the information they provide?

Form 16 primarily provides details of salary income, tax deductions, and taxes paid by an employee, whereas Form 16A contains information about TDS on income other than salary, such as interest income, commission, or rent.

Q14. Are there any specific deadlines for issuing Form 16, Form 16A, and Form 16B?

Yes, there are deadlines prescribed by the Income Tax Department for issuing these forms. Employers typically issue Form 16 by June 15th following the financial year's end, while Form 16A and Form 16B should be issued within 15 days from the due date of filing the relevant TDS return.

Q15. Can Form 16A be generated online, and what are the procedures for obtaining it?

Yes, Form 16A can be generated online through the TRACES portal by the deductor. Individuals can also download it from the TRACES portal by logging in with their PAN and password. Alternatively, the deductor may provide a physical copy of Form 16A.

Q16. In what situations would an individual receive both Form 16 and Form 16A?

An individual may receive both Form 16 and Form 16A if they have multiple sources of income, such as salary income from an employer (resulting in Form 16) and income from other sources subject to TDS (resulting in Form 16A).

Q17. What should individuals do if there are discrepancies between the information in Form 16/16A and their actual income or deductions?

Individuals should promptly bring any discrepancies to the attention of the deductor (employer or other deductor) for rectification. If the deductor fails to rectify the discrepancies, individuals can report the correct details while filing their tax returns and provide necessary supporting documents to substantiate their claims.

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