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ITR Computation Sheet Download: Understanding the Process

Writer: Asharam SwainAsharam Swain

The Income Tax Department of India requires submitting an Income Tax Return (ITR) form. It includes details about the person's earnings and the taxes due on them during the year. A specific fiscal year, starting on April 1st and ending on March 31st of the subsequent year, should be covered by the data submitted in the ITR. Following ITR filing, ITR Computation is always required when submitting for official purposes, such as a bank loan or credit card. Therefore, this guide outlines the step-by-step procedure for downloading your income tax return computation. You must read this article to the end because we give you a download link to create your income tax computation.


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What is Income Tax Return Computation?

Most of the time, when you apply for a credit card, loan, etc., your income tax computation is needed. You can only download your "income tax acknowledgment" and "income tax form" from the official website of the income tax department; you cannot download or generate any income tax computations from the official website. You can generate your income tax computation without effort. All you need to do is follow a few easy steps to create your ITR computation. You must follow a few simple steps to generate your ITR computation after clicking the "Download" button to download the sheet provided.

Importance of ITR Computation

The complete ITR form of an assessee is not as helpful as the Income Tax Computation Sheet. The reasons why an ITR computation are necessary is as follows:

  • For Loan Application: A loan applicant's ITR Computation Summary from the prior year, together with an acknowledgment of the ITR filed, is frequently preferred by banks when processing loan applications.

  • Applying for a Credit Card: When applying for a bank credit card, you can submit your ITR Computation Summary. Banks can assess an applicant's financial capacity by using the ITR computation to ascertain the applicant's income sources.

  • For VISA Application:  ITR computation is helpful when submitting a VISA application. A few countries now require proof of ITR filing to grant a VISA. It is now mandatory to compute your ITR in addition to acknowledging it.

Steps to Download Income Tax Return Computation

The assessee can now review his return using the computation sheet to see the variance and reply to the department appropriately. If the assessee manually raises a demand outside of the system, they must either contact the jurisdictional Assessing Officer or request a resend of the notification via the portal. The detailed process is listed below.

Step 1: Go to the official income tax filing website.

Step 2: Enter your password and PAN information to access your account.

Step 3: After logging in, choose the e-File "Response to Outstanding Tax Demand."

Step 4: A window displaying outstanding tax demands will open when you click the Response to Outstanding Tax Demand button.

Step 5: By selecting the download button next to the demand amount, the assessee can obtain the information in PDF format if there is a tax demand.

Steps to Fill Out the ITR Computation Format 

To complete the income tax return format, all you need is your ITR form. After filing your ITR, if you haven't already, you can download your form from the income tax department's official website. You must follow the instructions after downloading the ITR form.

Step 1: In the first step, enter your name, date of birth, address, phone number, tax regime (new or old), fiscal year, and assessment year.

Step 2: Once the first step is complete, copy and paste your gross salary from your ITR form.

Step 3: Fill out the HRA form found in "section-10" of the ITR form if you claim your HRA. You can also fill out the designated columns for your other deductions.

Step 4: Put interest, dividends, and FD interest into your savings bank account.

Step 5: Fill out the ITR form with all your information if you contribute to investments, housing loans, life insurance, PF, PPF, etc.

Step 6: Next, complete your savings bank deduction, listed in the ITR form's "80TTA" column.

Step 7: Enter your information in the "80CCC" section if you have a pension plan.

Step 8: Fill out the information provided in section "80D" if you have any health insurance deductions.

Step 9: In the appropriate field, type your "Total Taxable Income" now.

Step 10: Next, enter your taxes in the "Tax Payable" field.

Step 11: As per section 87A, now complete your tax refund.

Step 12: Fill out the ITR form with any TDS (salary/bank) deductions.

Step 13: Complete the tax payable/refundable form in the final step.

Once you have completed all these easy steps, you can save your income tax return computation format to your computer system. 


It is a well-known fact that any Indian citizen who earns more than the taxable limit in a fiscal year must file an income tax return (ITR). According to tax experts, income tax returns must filed when a person's gross total income surpasses Rs. 2,50,000. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of submitting the ITR on time. In addition to submitting your income tax return on time, you must have a copy of the computation. By following these instructions, you can download it and use it for several things.


Q1. What is ITR computation?

The summarized document known as the Income Tax Return (ITR) Computation lists the assessee's taxable and exempt incomes, deductions, tax obligations, and information about tax payments.

Q2. How to do the computation of income tax?

Based on some income brackets, the government determines the tax rates. Income taxes are calculated using the following formula: Taxable income is the sum of gross salary and deductions. Income Tax = (Applicable Tax Rate x Taxable Income) - Tax Rebate.

Q3. What is the computation sheet?

All taxable transactions, such as stock trades, dividends, and capital gains, are centrally recorded on a tax computation sheet.

Q4. Why is ITR computation important? 

Calculating an ITR is crucial because it enables people and businesses to comprehend their tax obligations and make appropriate financial plans.  It assists them in avoiding fines or legal problems arising due to the failure to pay taxes or paying taxes in full.

Q5. How is ITR computation done in Excel?

You can calculate your ITR in Excel by following a few easy steps. The first step determines the person's or organization's gross income. Deductions and exemptions are then considered. The tax liabilities are defined using the relevant tax slabs and rates.

Q6. How can I get my ITR computation sheet?

Under "Reports," select "Income tax computation report." Choose between "Active in the month" and "Active in the year" for the "Month" and "Type." Select "Download."

Q7. What are some of the common mistakes you should avoid in ITR computation? 

Inaccurate income calculation, omission of all income sources, improper use of deductions and exemptions, and incorrect use of tax rates and slabs are some of the frequent errors to avoid when calculating an ITR. Ensure all pertinent information is in the computation and double-check all calculations.

Q8. Can an ITR computation be modified?

Typically, the assessee has several options for preparing the ITR computation, including using Microsoft Excel, ITR filing software, a tax return preparer, and more. The assessee or the tax preparer themselves may make revisions. Nonetheless, the ITR Computation should always match the ITR Form for any fiscal year.

Q9. Can the ITR computation sheet be generated before filing returns?

Yes, taxpayers can use online tax calculators to generate a computation sheet before filing ITR.

Q10. Why does my ITR computation sheet show a different tax liability than my self-calculation

Differences may arise due to rounding-off errors, system-generated deductions, or interest on delayed tax payments.

Q11. Does the computation sheet include deductions that were missed in my return?

No, it only reflects what was entered in the ITR form; missed deductions must be rectified via a revised return.

Q12. Can I use my ITR computation sheet for bank loan applications?

Yes, many banks accept ITR computation sheets as proof of income for loan approvals.

Q13. What if the computation sheet does not match my Form 26AS details?

A mismatch could indicate incorrect TDS claims or pending updates in your tax records.

Q14. Can I download my ITR computation sheet without filing a return?

No, the official computation sheet is only available after filing and processing of your ITR.

Q15. Is the computation sheet valid for applying for a visa?

Yes, many embassies accept it as proof of financial stability and tax compliance.

Q16. Why does my computation sheet show an additional demand even after tax payment?

This may be due to interest under Section 234B/234C or misreported advance tax payments.

Q17. Can I use the ITR computation sheet to challenge a tax demand?

Yes, it can serve as supporting evidence in case of incorrect tax demands by the IT department.

Q18. Is it mandatory to attach the computation sheet while filing revised ITR?

No, but maintaining a copy helps in case of discrepancies during tax assessment.

Q19. What are the advantages of preparing ITR Computation in Excel?

The following are some advantages of creating an ITR computation in Excel:

  • It improves the mathematical precision of tax computations.

  • Excel is a tool that helps users efficiently and rapidly create, edit, view, and share data.

  • The assessee can prepare ITR Computation using Excel functions like formula and format. They can modify Excel to suit their needs and convenience.

  • There are no restrictions on how much data must displayed in Excel. Additionally, by utilizing Excel's suitable features and functions, all pertinent assessee data can be presented in an accessible way.

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